We go further…This new land, the mulitplanet technique, is charming, it intoxicates us so much that we are unable to resist. Which old man does not want to be a child again? previous part: https://quantumidea.tech/2020/08/23/caracoling/ The new land I made my first attempts, it wasn’t even serious experiments, just the antics of a madman but…
Month: August 2020

The nicest part begins, we start getting our hands dirty… We start to lose our lives to gain them.Finally comes the moment that the first time we touch our multiplanet technique. this is a continuation of an earlier post: https://quantumidea.tech/2020/08/23/by-what-miracle/ Searching for a hero As I mentioned before, we need B material. [Our main material…

By what miracle?
This magical moment finally comes – when we change talk into action. So pleasant pain… The most important discovery is that such a change is an illusion, because we always operate with informations which (may) have a material representations.The new technique, the multiplanet technique waits patiently when someone notices it… previous part: https://quantumidea.tech/2020/08/23/why-i-started/ Do nothing,…

Why I started?
That is a big question. And usually a great disability.I was lucky that I was stupid and did not know that this can not be done – inventing the multiplanet technique. Notice I heartily recommend reading the introduction: https://quantumidea.tech/2020/08/23/the-technique-of-multiplanet-species/ I am grateful for Kerry Stevenson from Fabbaloo that led to the writing the text below….

The technique of multiplanet species
What a title… only a mad author would write it…Yes! I followed Zorba’s advice:“A man needs a little madness, or else… he never dares cut the rope and be free.”Of course I followed some other words of some other wise Man, too.I invite you to a chat about how multiplanet technique could look like… The…
Next level in product manufacturing and 3D printing
Restrictions on traditional product manufacturing The current methods of manufacturing products from year to year are at an ever higher engineering level. the traditional production process, however, requires relatively large amounts of human labor, money and energy, looking at the whole production process. Especially, it gets expensive when we want to produce small-lot items and…